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Legacy Workshops

Craft History: Preserving Your Personal Legacy  workshops are for Kentucky craft artists and family members wanting to learn how to document and plan for the preservation of artisan records.  The sessions cover information about the Kentucky Craft History and Education Association, conducting oral history interviews, collecting and placing materials with collections and repositories.


KCHEA has presented workshops in 2015 and 2017 at Kentucky Crafted: The Market in Lexingon, Kentucky, and the Kentucky Artisan Center at Berea, respectively. Workshops are available for sponsorship by interested groups or parties. Please inquire


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Craft Legacy Workshop: Presentation about "Craft History: Preserving Your Personal Legacy" workshop, presented to Kentucky Museums and Heritage Alliance Conference, June 2016, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. (PDF File) 

Kentucky Craft History & Education Association
P O Box 22363
Lexington, KY 40522

© 2023 Kentucky Craft History

and Education Association

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